

In His temple In 1999, my life was forever changed. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was walking down the street in New York, tears pouring from my eyes. It was August 6, 1999, and no one knew it was my birthday. I was in a new place with more scars than I knew what to do with and no hope. But even then, God had a plan for me. The very next day, l attended a church, encountered Jesus Christ and got saved! That wasn’t the end of the fight though. When you’ve been abused — emotionally, mentally, physically and sexually as a child, and then left to deal with the scars on your own, the healing process seems impossible, even as a new believer. It‘s only by the grace of God that the abused are restored to the point where there is no more pain from the past, I came to that place of restoration where God healed and redeemed me and my past completely.